The AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events, Version 2.4, will be released April 1, 2017. Based on the recommendations of the AASM Scoring Manual Editorial Board, the AASM Board of Directors has approved the following changes in this scoring manual update:

  • A new section on performing calibrations to document appropriate system response was added to the Technical and Digital Specifications chapter (Section E).
  • The recommended EOG electrode positions and figure were updated in Section B of the Adult Sleep Staging Rules.
  • A new note was added to Rule D.1 of the Adult Sleep Staging Rules to clarify when to use the term “Stage R” versus “REM sleep.”
  • The definition of “slow wave activity” in Rule D.3 of the Adult Sleep Staging Rules was updated for consistency throughout the Scoring Manual.
  • The definition of “atrial fibrillation” was updated in both the Glossary and in Rule B.6 of the Cardiac Rules chapter.
  • Rule B.4 in the Movement Rules chapter was revised to remove mention of a “sleep-disordered breathing event.”
  • New notes were added to the Respiratory Rules for Children for Scoring of Apneas and Scoring of Hypopneas.

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